Email marketing is vital for ecommerce sales

There is a world of marketing tactics (and gimmicks) out there. But as any savvy e-commerce store operator will tell you; when it comes to customer acquisition, retention and repeat purchases, email marketing RULES. In fact, email is the highest-ROI channel of all the digital marketing activities we perform here at Selldash.

Email marketing in general works for one very simple reason, it is relatively unintrusive and gives the customer the choice to engage more with your brand at their own convenience. Email is your direct line of communication with your most engaged subscribers and potential customers. No social media algorithms, no Google, no filters whatsoever, just you and your brand sharing your stories, products and offers directly with your audience. Email is always sitting in your inbox, and if you ever feel like you are getting “too many emails”, it is easy enough to unsubscribe.

No matter what other innovative marketing tactics emerge, email marketing will remain at the head of the pack to reach and engage your audience, and increase your ROI in a cost-effective manner. A recent study estimated the median marketing ROI for email marking to be a whopping 122% – four to five times higher than any other digital marketing channel.

Here are some more stats about email marketing in the context of e-commerce.

Conversion Rates are at least three times higher on email than on social media.

Four percent of email marketing traffic will make a purchase compared to two percent of search engine traffic and less than one percent of social media traffic.

Businesses with average order values (AOV) of $100 to $500 can recover up to 7% of their abandoned carts on average with email.

Shoppers spend up to 145 percent more when targeted and marketed to via email offers than those who don’t receive email offers.

There are currently 3.9 billion daily email users globally, with that number expected to hit 4.3 billion by 2023.

So, how does Selldash help you with email marketing?

As your store grows, you will need to perform data-driven email campaigns with intelligent automations. For that, our preferred tool is Klaviyo. Our in-house Klaviyo experts can get you up and running in no time. We will leverage the full power of Klaviyo’s platform to build up your audience and grow your online sales.

Bottom line, no matter how small or big your store, Selldash has you covered for email marketing. Get started on the Selldash website and start selling!

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